Saturday, November 06, 2004

July 25th Comes and Go's

Clark began cleaning up around our home immediately. We live on a "farm" you might say.
Clark built our home and barn from the ground up, by the way. He is amazing to me, he could read anything and then do it. I would not be suprised if he qualified as a genius. He also was a "hoarder" you might say. He found value in everything, he could see what it could become or what he could do with. Because of this, we had a lot of "stuff" all over the place. After his diagnosis though, he started working almost feverishly organizing and trying to clean up. He told me one day, he didn't want to leave me with a mess to clean up.
July 25th arrived, Clark wasn't very nervous, which suprised me, but thankful since he couldn't take valium this time. He went into the operating room and 3 hours later the doctor came out to talk to me. He said "Everything went fine, I reduced his chance of having another stroke by 90%". What a relief ! He only spent one night in the hospital and then can home. He seemed fine almost immediately, was up and about like nothing happened. We started discussing options for his heart; Clark wanted to talk to the doctor in hopes that he would re-think doing stents. I thought this was very unlikely, since the doctor previously said to him "yes I could put stents in, but you'll be coming back again and again to have it redone. But, if you want to put my kids trhough college, I'll do it". That sounds harsh doesn't it? But truth often does. We never got to a decision though, because 6 days after his surgery the headaches began. Well, I will continue on later, the next blog might be lengthy, so a break is in order....

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