Sunday, November 07, 2004

Call 911

I beg Clark, "Let me call 911 and yelling at him, you are having a stroke".
Clark is now talking nonsense, words are coming out that have no bearing on what is happening, nor the circumstances. But, he is able to yell "NO" to 911. He starts to get up from the couch to leave, I tell him Clark your lip is drooping, your eye is drooping, you are slurring and talking nonsense, please let me call 911. But again he rises to leave. So, I stop trying to convince him about 911 and go to "Okay, not 911 but please the hospital, let me take you to Riverside". Again, he says no. I sat down and started to cry, he then got irritated and on the verge of out right mad. I yelled in my head to myself, don't do this, pull it together. I went into our bedroom and put my face in my hands and prayed to God, help me, tell me what to do ! I went back to Clark and kneeled in from of him and calmly said "Clark you know how much I love you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you have got to trust me, you are having a stroke. Please trust me, just listen to me and let me take you to Riverside. It took several times of repeating this, when he finally said yes. I could take him to Riverside, but only Riverside. I told him Thank you....

Note: Do not listen to the person having the stroke. Call 911, they don't know what they are saying, and they need you to take control. Do not do as I did. Remember this also, after it is all said and done, they won't remember any of it anyway. Clark doesn't. So be strong 911.

1 comment:

Melaina RN, PHN, MS, CNS, ACHPN said...

How intense. It sounds like you were very strong under incredibly stressful circumstances.